all about me!!

Nothing like publishing all your private thoughts and feelings and day to day activities to the public right?? right...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

haven't written....

Ok so I haven't written, but OMG has anyone else been watching Big Brother??? This is the MOST dramatic season I have ever seen... I haven't written, because anytime i've got the puter on I'm hooked to the Live 24/7 feed of Big Brother... I started watching the show 2 summers ago w/ my lovely sister Amanda so we would have something fun to do together, but now I count the days until July so it starts, but never in a million years would I have thought it would be this good 3 weeks into it WOW!!!
So I would love to hear about it if anyone else is as invloved as me.... :)

Besides that, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have my first Cookie Lee recruit.... Thank you Manda, and you know the inside we have on this as far as the video we saw last night and the "sisterhood" nudge nudge.... If I can't have babies at the same time at least we'll have this right?? right??? and we are a team now, in it to win it... You will be wonderful, I will be wonderful.... and all of our dreams and "peace of mind" (remember) will come true!!! I will see you in Disneyland in January!!!

So provided I can get my airline ticket w/o selling everything I own I am off to Disneyland in 2 weeks to attend my first Cookie Lee convention!! I can't wait... The first thing I will ever do totally alone... (and the last... notice I recruit Amanda first??? just can't be alone can I?? LOL)... I can't wait...
Other than that, not to much to report. Still waiting for the payback for the vet for the dog attack, and going on day by day... of course w/ big brother in the background!!! Still can't tell who I want to win yet, but that Kaysar is not only cute ;) but man he is one hell of a player... The first person I've ever seen look someone in the eye and not be afraid to say "yup, I planned it this way to get you evicted..." hot.... he's awesome...

ok... big hugs!! enjoy the sun!!!!


Friday, July 15, 2005

Lets try this again..

Ok, so now it's Friday again and the goal is to have a great weekend!! Of course last week when I posted I did neglect to tell you all that the weekend finished ok!!!! My nascar hero finally won a race this year... Dale Jr I was soooooooo excited!! I had almost given up hope on him this year... the season is almost over but miracles happen!!! he he he
I'm off work early today to get a head start on my awesome weekend which I am determined to have, I'm heading down to the showroom to pick up some more sparkly jewels!! I have a big show Tuesday night so I can't wait for that and I need lotsa sparkly stuff for this ladies so that will be really fun!!
The sun is not out today like it was supposed to so it will make for a longer drive into the big city, but that's ok... really, um it's ok... :(
So not much to report on, Lucy is doing better her bite mark is healing nicely we still haven't gotten paid from the owners of the dog and that worries me a little, but I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt so we will see.... I did get my lap top into the Dr to see if it's fixable and I should hear back by today... pls pray for me!!
Steve and I celebrate our 6yr anniversary on Sunday so I can't wait for that!! way awesome!! think he'll mind though if I have Nascar on in the background..?? LOL I am a little sad, because we always like to visit our "other home" Las Vegas on our anniversary, but this year we have decided to try to go in Sept. instead.. so we will see!!
Less than a month to go till Cookie Lee convention in California... I am so nervous to go somewhere alone but I will be ok... It will feel more like I'm going when I actually have my plane ticket in hand..!! I'm waiting for the other cookie gals to book flights so we can go together for parking/carpool reasons...
alrighty off to the big city!!


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Not such a great weekend...

So I'm always talking about how I LOVE the weekends... Well not so much this one... I was so looking forward to it as I always am, until lots of little cruddy things happened.
Friday after work, I got home to a upset beagle, apparently I haven't been home that much and she misses me, because my one and good pair of jeans as well as more of my laundry has now been chewed up and ruined, at the time she was not my favorite person and I was VERY bitter w/ her...
Than Friday night, my lap top goes on the Fritz... I am so frustrated I could just cry... The lap top was something I wanted for like 3 years I whined about it and whined about it until I finally came across a opportunity that I couldn't pass up... I financed it which is the first thing I did compleltey on my own. I followed through with the payments this was my baby... so I'm very depressed right now.. It works and runs, but 1/2 of my keyboard does not type... so my very good friends lent me a small keyboard to plug into it for now, but what a pain pain pain...
Than yesterday, started out pretty good, had some fun girlie things to do went garage saling had a skin care party, ended up selling some jewelry which is always a plus!! Than I get home and get to relax with the neighbors in the back yard, than BAM from out of nowhere some big black dog comes and litterly attacks our Lucy and our neighbors Pomeranian as well, so that was unbelievable it was like something you see in the movies, the growling and snarling was real and so very scary I just didn't know what to do. It wasn't until late last night that Steve and I realized that we are bruised and he got bit as well. So Lucy got a big puncture wound in her shoulder and our neighbors little dog has a concussion and what they are calling "shaken baby syndrome" he was shook around like a rag doll it was awful...
That was 120.00 we weren't planning to spend, but the owner of the dog said he would cover it, but you know how well that goes sometimes until I have the cash in my hand It's a expense I wasn't planning on.... ugh
But now it's Sunday my favorite day and I am sitting down waiting for my nascar to start not daring to leave my house except for the coffee I just went to get...!! I did some good deep cleaning this morning, am finally catching up on my blog, and getting organized for the week..
My business is going so well for a new business! I have figured out how to organize my bank accounts, order slips and make some inventory and reports for me so that's awesome!! yeah me!!! LOL
Steve and I get to share our 6 year wedding anniversary on Sunday of next week so that will be fun as well!!
I miss my dearest Jersey friend as she has been MIA for about 3 weeks now.. so that makes me sad, but hopefully she will resurface, I know people get busy and what not, but hopefully she will pop back up, I get used to visiting and w/o it I'm sad...
Well have a fabulous week, hug your animals cuz they always love you no matter what!!
Always, Andrea

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I love these Holiday weekends!!

It's so fun having a holiday weekend!! I have to work tomorrow but it still feels like a big holiday so it's fun and I don't even mind to be honest w/ you!! Well I didn't have the party I thought I would have last week it got rescheduled as these things do so I guess my first big party is this afternoon which is why I'm up so early on a Sunday, A little nervous but mostly excited!! Just thought I'd pop in and let it known that I'm still here and getting organized for today!!! I'm so excited the suns out it makes my jewels sparkle just a little more!!! It's fun! Who knew going to Kinko's could be so fun and exciting I had to go there to make copies and wow it was fun!!! LOL They had all kinds of office supplies you could use, and I love office supplies... he he he
Alrighty have a fun safe fourth and eat lots and lots!!