I miss marshmallow peeps...
So tomorrow is Easter Sunday.... And I don't get an Easter basket... Sad. I'm now "gulp" 31!! And there are now kids involved, so I don't get the eggs hidden for me anymore, nor do I get the fun basket's my Mom made for me every year.... The funny thing about Easter lately is that there are these HUGE Easter baskets you can buy that are "pre"made... I think they are great, convenient, but... WAY expensive.... Hell I don't have kids, so I don't know anything, I do know mom's like convenience, but my Mom made some great baskets for us, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way... She would find us just a regular basket, fill it w/ the lovely fake Easter plastic green grass, and little chocolate Easter eggs, misc. Candy and yup, you guest it! MARSHMALLOW PEEPS!!!!! Sometimes we would even get a cadbury cream egg..!! That was a good year!! I would go to school the following Monday, and my friends would say how they got Cabbage patch kids, or clothes..... WHAT..... See to me, Easter was about waking up to your Mom made Easter basket, church (yeah we went one or 2 times a year), and coming home to egg salad sandwiches!! That was it for me, so amazing, and I remember them fondly..... Always just our immediate family. Perfect! As a kid, we LOVE gifts (hell I love them now), but even growing up when your little and envious, I was honestly shocked that my friends got presents... As far as I know, Easter was not Christmas.... It was about chocolate bunnies, getting new tights and a flowery dress, and eating egg sandwiches, but as I said before, what the hell do I know.... If I we're ever to get blessed w/ kids I would probably look for any excuse to buy them presents, so I apologize for my ranting!!! The Stever was so sweet one year, I was telling him all of this, and he bought me REALLY REALLY BIG pink Easter bunny!! It was sweet...
So nothing planned tomorrow, gonna pop in at my Mom's and see the "kids" (not me) Easter baskets, and enjoy some hopefully egg salad sandwiches!!
I send my blessings to all, and my family, and extended, married family as well.... When things are tough, and scary your family is always going to be there for you,, and sometimes it's just nice to be reminded of that! No matter what icky things happen outside of our plastic bubbles, the family's w/in are always there to, hold us, cry w/ us, wipe our tears away, and pick us up !!!
So nothing planned tomorrow, gonna pop in at my Mom's and see the "kids" (not me) Easter baskets, and enjoy some hopefully egg salad sandwiches!!
I send my blessings to all, and my family, and extended, married family as well.... When things are tough, and scary your family is always going to be there for you,, and sometimes it's just nice to be reminded of that! No matter what icky things happen outside of our plastic bubbles, the family's w/in are always there to, hold us, cry w/ us, wipe our tears away, and pick us up !!!